Saturday, October 18, 2008

173rd Day in the NICU

Drayke has had a rough 24 hours compared to the last 2 weeks. At 2am on 10/17 he received his last dose of steroids. During rounds the doctors changed his Ativan from every 6 to 8 hours. Also at 1pm he was taken off of the Milrinone and the Nitric was dropped another 2 points.

Around 4pm he was sleeping deeply, O2 saturating at 100 and had been for a few hours. His heart rate dropped below 100 bpms then kept slowly dropping all the way down to 68. His nurse decided to check his blood pressure and the difference was like night and day. His heart rate jumped up to 195 and his O2 dropped to 45. We needed to crank his incoming O2 up to 100% for about half an hour, until he finally decided to calm down. He decided to do this off and on most of the night. Needless to say I did not sleep well at all.

When I came into the NICU this morning I spoke to his head resident about my fears of him possibly starting to go backwards in his progress. She advised me everything was gone over during rounds, a new xray was taken. Everything looks good. His blood gasses are right on the mark and the xray shows his lungs are slightly over inflated due to the 2 times his nurse bagged him but that will take care of itself. The team firmly believes that he is simply reacting to the lowered dosage of Ativan, one of his 3 sedatives. She was very positive that he is still progressing well and defiantely NOT on a downturn.

I know this makes me feel so much better than yesterday. Life in the NICU is a series of steps forwards and backwards. At this moment he is happily sleeping on his belly and saturating at 100.

Oh, the big news from yesterday is he has finally been moved from a neo bed (the one where the top comes down and has heat and such) to a big boy crib. Poor little man is so lost in this huge thing. I am so used to getting up close to him in the smaller bed and now he seems so far away. Dad is bringing lil mans mobile up on Sunday as well as his bouncy seat. I am really looking forward to finally being able to work on his development.

On Thursday while having lunch in the Ronald McDonald Room I kept hearing my name being called out and I finally was able to see who it was. One of the moms from Centennial had just recently had her son transported to Vandy. She is still stressed over the move, missing the comfort zone of Centennial, just as we were.

Oops...I spoke too soon. Drayke is now wide awake & wiggly. Time to get him on his side so he doesnt extubate himself.


Baffled said...

How do you assess Drayke's "quality of life"? Will he ever get off his IVs and tubes? Can he sit up? What is his short-term/long-term prognosis?

Unknown said...

This is in response to baffled:
You cannot compare pre-term babies to full term babies...for the first year if not longer, they will be behind their full term counterparts. In example, you take their due date and calculate where they are developmentally, not their birth date.
My son was only 7 1/2 weeks early and stayed in the NICU for 3 weeks, but it has taken him almost 3 years to get up to being in the top 90% of what other 3 yr. olds are in height and weight....he was breast fed and was not fed formula after he came home.
I think with the current progress Drayke is making, he will over come all this and be an active little boy before Mom and Dad know it.