Friday, October 24, 2008

179th Day in the NICU

Lil mans vent pressures were adjusted again today. He is now back down to 8 on his pressure support and the Nitric is down to 6. His morphine has also been weaned back down to .0015, so he is a tad jittery but still able to rest comfortably.

So far, so good on preventing the diaper rash caused by the antibiotic. Fortunately those end on Sunday.

Drayke's cardiologist came by yesterday and was really surprised a new echo had not been ordered since going off the Milrinone so we are getting one sometime today.

Other than that not much else going on. I checked out a book from the family resource center here at the hospital to help me learn to play specific games with Drayke for helping his development.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just skimmed through all of your entries and WOW. What an incredible journey you guys have been through. I've noticed that you haven't mentioned your other little ones though. How are they taking to all of this?

I just graduated from nursing school in June and I'm orienting in a NICU right now. It's good to get perspective from the other side--the parents. Little things like getting to hold your kid are very important but it's in the background a little bit sometimes when my preceptor and I are focusing on other things. It's good to be reminded just how emotionally important it is for the parent-infant bonding.

Also: Good on you for asking the attendings why they prescribe meds or do different procedures. There's no reason for you to not be informed and there's no reason for you to be asked to leave the bedside. In our NICU, parents can be at the bedside 24/7. Of course, if a major procedure is being done, it might be hard on the parents to watch, but we would NEVER ask them to leave-unless they were hysterical.