Sunday, October 5, 2008

160th Day in the NICU

Last night little man weighed 9lbs even. Apparently sometime in the early morning they did a Blood gas and his was 18. It was too low. Drayke has never had that low of a blood gas. It should be in the 30-40's. So they decreased his BPM from 30 to 20. His Peep is still 14 (His pressure is still high but they are not going to start weaning him on that till Monday). His O2 is still at 50% while he is still stat'ing in the mid to high 90's.

So far he has been off the steriods for 58 hrs and nothing had to be increased. We are still waiting till we are sure before they start to wean his Nitric. Once they start weaning that it will be 3-5 points every 3-5 days. He is currently on 20 ppm on his Nitric. So its a waiting game but at least we have had positives for the last week.

According to Dr Prince: cardiology has changed Draykes status from severe pulmonary hypertension to moderate. What a difference a week makes. Turns out he is back to doing a lot of breathing on his own. More yay! Drayke has been wide awake & happily wiggly. The Doctor also told us we could hold Drayke twice a day as tolerated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear this. BTW, it is "sats" as in oxygen saturation, not "stats".