Thursday, October 2, 2008

157th Day in the NICU

This morning we walked into Drayke's room, just barely missing rounds., and we see his ventilator settings the lowest we have seen in months. His oxygen was at 50%, breaths per minute at 30 and his saturations were in the high 90s. OMG SQUEE!!!!

Tonight is his last dose of steroids. We know there may be a rebound back to some higher settings but we are so happy right now. His lungs can heal some at the lower settings. Tomorrow/Friday he is getting a new echo & xray to see if there have been any changes.

I gave little man a sponge bath tonight and read him a story. Dad is working remotely from Drayke's hospital room.

We now have a room at the Ronald McDonald House and the place is amazing. There are also several people we know from both Centennial & Vandy staying there so it is like being with family. The ONLY down side is they do not have wireless internet so dad can not work from the there.

I cant say enough how happy I am that we moved to the new hospital. I feel like we are getting a second chance at turning things around for Drayke.

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