Wednesday, October 29, 2008

184th Day in the NICU

Last night Drayke had a rough time. He kept de-satting and his oxygen had to be kicked up to 100% a few times. Needless to say this morning I had a lot of questions for the doctors when they made rounds.

We didnt care for his day nurse yesterday. I dont care if you have 30 years experience, you should not freak out because the baby has a bit of a meltdown because he needs to be suctioned. I do understand that you have another baby to take care of as well but when his tube gets clogged his numbers drop pretty quickly.

He was overbreathing the vent so much at time he was hyperventilating, up to 100+ on his breaths per minute. The night nurse became so concerned over his reflux she suspended feedings. What happens is if Drayke doesnt poop in 24 hours his formula comes back up the the tube in his tummy. If you put in a supository, he poops, reflux goes away.

Dr C if pretty confident what is causing these meltdowns on top of the tube getting clogged is Drayke is no longer getting any additional morphine and is being weaned. He is upping his dosage of methadone to help with his withdrawls. The head ultrasound looked good, brain is develpoing nicely. This mornings x ray, bloodwork and urine all looked good, no further sign of infection. We are holding of weaning the vent & nitric for today to make sure the methadone is doing its job.

The cardiologist came in and Drayke is going to be getting a cardiac MRI tomorrow morning to get a far more detailed look at the spot on his heart. It could be thickening of the heart wall or perhaps even a benign mass. We will know within a couple of days. I told him it was a darn shame they couldnt coordinate with the ENT for the scope. That way he would only have to go under general anesthesia once.

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