Wednesday, October 22, 2008

177th Day in the NICU

Found out today the Drayke UTI was caused by E-Coli. Now I am rethinking a circumsision. The blood borne infection is a minor staph infection (not the hard core can kill you type). So they changed out the ampicillin to Venkamyacin(sp?). Gent & Venk are the antibiotics that led to his horrific diaper rash a couple of months ago. I have told his nurse to put in his chart to use diaper rash cream EVERY time his diaper is changed to try to ward off another rash.

Finally met the new attending and like him. He is keeping up with Dr P had started. His Nitric has been weaned down a bit more and his vent settings for his PEEP were dropped back down to 11 from 12. Also still on the Sidenifil, Digoxin, diuretics & assorted sedative (those are being weaned still).

Went to Parents Reach Out this afternoon for a meeting on a parents role in child development. We discussed Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs as well as concerns over physical & mental development.

I know some people have expressed concern over his future quality of life. When we do finally get him home there will be precautions that must be taken: the rest of the houshold staying healthy, teaching everyone to wash their hand & use hand sanitizer, good air filters in the AC to keep alergens & dust to a minimum. He WILL outgrow this. At this point there is no way to predict exactly what things will be like. He will have as normal a life as we can provide for him. That means school, playtime, socializing, etc. He may need to have nebulizer treatments or a rescue inhaler but asthmatics do that too. He will learn what his limits are. It will be a learning process for all of us.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I started reading Draykes blog after it was posted in a yahoo group we belong to. I have to tell you he is so precious, and so lucky to have such dedicated parents! His story touched my heart and I check pretty regularly to see how he's doing.

As a grandma to a 17 month old with lots of neurological issues (she has something called Dandy Walker syndrome)I can say once you get home there is plenty you can do to help Drayke catch up. All children do things in there own time and I'm sure Drayke will too!! He's such a little fighter, he's using all his energy to get healthy right now and once he is better all that strength will shift to learning to do new things. Our little one had brain surgery just after she turned a year, once she healed and felt better she sat up alone, learned to crawl and started pulling herself up to stand all within a few weeks. Its amazing how these babies bounce back once they feel good. I'm so happy for all of you and the progress Drayke is making. Keep the faith, stay strong, take care of all of you.

Best to you all,

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited that you're able to start focusing on bringing Drayke home. He really is a miracle and I feel so fortunate to be able to share in his journey, thanks to your wonderful blog.

Please let the little guy know that he still has a lot of folks cheering him on out here!


Anonymous said...

If you haven't had him cut yet, give it a little while. It could very well just be the fact that he spent so much time on his belly with that diaper rash he had that cause e. coli to be introduced into his urethra. Bobby isn't cut and hasn't had any problems at all. The only other problems I've ever seen in an uncircumsized boy were infections because he refused to keep himself clean. (Obviously that's not a problem for Drayke.)

All in all, we're very glad to hear that he's doing so much better. (I read ahead... ;p )

Hugs from all of us.

iluveeyore said...

"The only other problems I've ever seen in an uncircumsized boy were infections because he refused to keep himself clean. (Obviously that's not a problem for Drayke.)"

That's not a problem now, but it could certainly be in the future. I've known of army recruits who needed to be circumcised because they were constantly getting very painful infections. You don't want to wait until he's 18.