Sunday, November 30, 2008

216th Day in the NICU

Dr R is really pushing Drayke this weekend. He decided to go ahead & start dropping the nitric. Over the last 24 hours it has gone from 20 to 14. As a general rule doctors like to knock it down a point every day or so. Draykes oxygen is down to 76 and morphine is now at .06! He is saturating in the 90s pretty consistantly today so most likely they will drop his O2 down another 2% to 74% later tonight.

Drayke's feeds have been raised to 13cc's/hour and his lipids are being stopped. That means if he PICC line goes it is not a problem, we just use the broviac for all his meds. He is also getting weighed tonight so we are going to see how much he has dropped since taking the Miralax. Oh, that is also getting cut back to every other day now since his belly is nice & soft & everything is moving the way it needs to.

Dad & I saw the baby's cardiologist yesterday and we discussed what has been weaned so far and he is pleased. He s not overly concerned about the echo scheduled for tomorrow. The numbers Drayke is showing are speaking volumes in that he is tolerating the weaning very well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

his color looks better in this picture. That's awesome!