Sunday, November 2, 2008

188th Day in the NICU

We walked in today to see Drayke's O2 levels in the 50's and 60's and just staying there. They tried to give him a transfusion earlier but they had to warm up the blood and then they tried to flush the IV line was not flushing so they had to send the blood back because by the time they were flushing the blood was expired. The nurse had to give him several manual breaths trough the Vent and he eventually started to do better. They started the blood infusion at 10:30 am. The Dr's rounded right after that. We looked at his X-ray and it does not look that bad. They are waiting for the culture to come back on the PICC line so that they can re-order a PICC so that they can start him back on the morphine drip. They are giving him PRN's of morphine. More than likely tomorrow when the PICC line lady is in they will give him the drip back and slowly wean him this time. Right now his 02 sats are in the high 80's to the mid to high 90's. Just hit a 100 a few moments ago.

It is scarey to know so much about his care and everything. I am not saying I know eveything but I am starting to think about going back to the medical field instead of continuing the Business Information field. Mom is seriously considering going for the nursing field. Will be posting more on his condition later today as things progress.

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