Friday, November 28, 2008

214th Day in the NICU

Today Drayke is 7 months old.

It has been a good week and a half since starting his weaning on the vent. Today Dr R knocked him down to 80% & his morphine is at .1, half of what he was on at the time of the big meeting. Dr R is wanting him weaned to 70% by Sunday so we can start weaning the nitric.

His nurse today was being very negative on the phone this morning. So much so that when I hung up I had a bit of a meltdown. I called dad and he figures the nurse was just having a bad day. Dont try to tell me weaning 20% off his O2 and 50% off his morphine in 9 days is not an improvement! Grr.

We get a new attending Monday and a care conference is being called for after Drayke gets his new echo done on Monday. We need to bring the new doc up to speed and make sure we dont backslide.

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