Thursday, August 28, 2008

122nd Day in the NICU

Early this morning they weighed little man and he was 6lb 9 oz. But when we called on him tonight he was 7lb 2 oz. They were able to get him down to 89% O2 but she had to put him up to 100% because she just messed with him.

We got to visit with him. Mom wanted to hold him but she decided he has had 3 days of holding and that maybe why he keeps going back up on his O2. Also his CO2 was 81 this morning. We are still trying to get his length but they keep forgetting to get it for us. We got to the NICU and he was asleep until the Respitory Therapist got there because she did his Aresol treatment and his CPT. He just loved that and was awake during the entire thing. He was Stating 99 and 100. He was getting fed and then Tasha came in and did his massage therapy. Little tyke slept through it all and just enjoyed it.

Oh yeah with his GI Tube in his nose and the Vent tube being smaller he is practicing his baby bubble blowing skills for the next olympics. He was also able to put his tongue in one of the bubbles without popping it. He is so cute because the moment you wipe his mouth he will look at you like you just messed him up.

So onto the other news. We still have not heard back from St Louis but they did say it is a lengthy process. We may hear from them tomorrow or maybe Monday. We spoke to Dr Hassell today in regards to Drayke's care. She is going to try him on a different formula so that they can increase his calorie intake. If she does not hear from St Louis by Monday they will call them. Also if they still do not have an answer we will start with getting Drayke a trach so that he can be more comfortable. It is past the time where he really needs to start his oral skills. Also this weekend they will increase his Viagra dosage to see if it will help them decrease the need for O2. So far the little bump on Monday has let them wean him a little. Now there is a downside to the Viagra and that is making sure his Blood Pressure stays good. Dr Hassell also said they will probably doing a echo next week to see if it is helping. So we have a knowledge of what to expect next week. Its just a waiting game.

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