Monday, August 18, 2008

112th Day in the NICU

Drayke weighs now 6 lb 2 oz and he is 18 1/4 inches long. Earlier this morning his pressure was down to 32/5 and Co2 was in the 60's. His oxygen went back up to 100% because his poor little behind has been hurting him and causing him to get aggravated. On Saturday they started to give him feedings again. They started with 3 cc's and now are up to 6 cc's of formula that has been broken down so it is easier for him to digest.

Around 11:30 am his heart rate dropped and they had to do chest compressions. They do not know why his Heart Rate dropped. They had to extubate and reintubate him. After the chest compressions he started to stat really good. O2 is at 89% with his O2 reading in the high 90's to 100.

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