Monday, August 11, 2008

105th Day in the NICU

Today Drayke has had his ups and downs. Poor little boy has had a diaper rash for a few days and today his boy bits were so raw that he was bleeding a bit. I would post a picture but I am pretty sure that I may get in trouble for it.

He was contstantly destating. He has has so many IV's stuck in him that I swear he may think he is a pincushion instead of a baby. He extubated himself this morning. When I called on him at 6:00 pm he was stating good but he had a few bad times during the day.

Around 10:00 pm when Mom called she found out that his pH level was low which means his blood was acidic. They started him on a bicarbonate (sp?) to lower the acidicy in his blood. He was also stating at 40's-60's which is not good. They also put a stop on his feedings and started to give him fluids through the IV. Poor Little man. I so want him home to just hug him.

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