Sunday, September 28, 2008

153rd Day in the NICU


He is 5 months old today and was awake & alert for quite a while despite being on three different sedatives. His eyes are the most amazing color of light blue/grey fringed with those dark lashes. I tell ya, he's gonna be a heartbreaker with the ladies. I cant post any pics until I upload them from my camera the next time I am in Lewisburg.His stats have remained stable for the last 48 hours, so I think he has recovered from the transport. I believe this new med, Milrinone (sp?) is doing some really good things for Drayke. The last few days here I have had a parent sleep room until we can get into the Ronal McDonald House around the block.

Other than that, life is pretty much in a major holding pattern. We are planning for the worst and hoping for the best for Drayke. The doctors say there is a 10% chance. We hold on to that. Hey, that is 10 out of 100! Miracles happen in places like this.Hugs to all my friends who have prayed, lit candles, sent energy, just...everything, to my little man. I can never say enough thanks.

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