Sunday, September 21, 2008

146th Day in the NICU

Today I got to go up and see him all by himself. He has been doing good for the last few days. While I was there he did not de'stat once. Dr I came by and told me that they are still waiting for a bed for little man at Vandy. I asked him about the way Drayke has been de'statting and if that could affect him but Dr I said that there is no telling but he did have a child that constantly flatlined and he appears to be doing fine today. I know that there is always a chance but still there is hope.

He was grabbing his thumb and pulling on it. He got a mad when he went poop in his diaper but he got better. One other thing is that when I put his animals near him he reaches for them and rubs his hand on them so this means at least he is working on his motor skills and noticing textures. I spent about 3 hours with him and then headed home. Part of me does not want him to leave Centennial but at the same time he is getting bigger and Vandy does have a Pulmonologist there.

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