Tuesday, April 28, 2009

365 days ago today

Our little man, Drayke Alan, came into this world with a bang. He surprised everyone with the fact he chose to holler to let his mama know he was here. He may have been a teeny tiny little bug but he made his presence known to the world.

This morning at 9:55 I was at the rec center here in Lewisburg and parked by the childrens play area. I cried a bit and had a "conversation" with him. I told him how he was going to get a cupcake with a candle in it just like I did on my first birthday. He also would have gotten some clothes, a toy or 2 and a box with some wrapping paper to play with. Babies always seem more interested in the wrapping than the gift itself.

It's been a hard day so far. Hell, it's been a hard year. Over the last 3 months there has yet to be a full 24 hour period where I dont cry. I still try to figure out way for me to have another baby. Nobody could ever replace Drayke. Never. But I want a child so deeply that I believe it is the only thing that could fill the gaping emptyness in my soul. I want to feel the joy of holding my child in my arms again.


Mindy said...

i hope you do get pg and have a full term baby without all the drama like last time. my heart is with you.

inkprincess said...

Happy Birthday Drayke!! Much love to you.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday, Drayke!! hugs and kisses!

-Melissa, Adrian & Liam