We arrived at the hospital to find Drayke on his ventalator at just about the highest settings possible: 100% oxygen, 80 breaths per minute with a pressure of 34 over 4. He also had a CO2 monitor attached to him as well and that was reading at 120-130. Way to high. His stats for his O2 saturation was in the 60s. Things were looking extremely bad. He was pale and not active at all. This is more than a simple rebound from the steroids. All my mind could go to was "after 12 weeks he has finally given up". Dr Hassel came over and was surprisingly upbeat, for her. "He has bounced back from terrible odds before. He can do it again. He has always been a strong fighter". We discussed putting him back onto nitric oxide to see if we can get his lungs to open back up more. We then went down to the cafeteria to have some sandwiches I had made at home.
When we go back upstairs we were told that they are putting him back onto the occilator with the nitric oxide. Basically we were rolling all the way back to when he was first born. OMFG!
Well, Drayke had other plans. They tried to hook him up to that infernal machine and he would have no part of it. So he is still on the regular ventilator with the nitric. Dr Hassel then told us how she has ordered bloodwork and is going to start a course of antibiotics just in case. Well sure as shit Drayke DOES have an infection. He is not giving up. He simply feels ill. Thank god we now know it is something that can be treated! Both Dad & I knew that this was not just a rebound. Steroids drop your immune system to nil and he has picked up some bug but we have caught it early enough that he should be doing better soon. His hematacrit was at 26 so he also has received another blood transfusion. The hospital let us stay in a room overnight (actually for as long as we wanted it but dad has jury duty tomorrow) .