Monday, June 2, 2008

35th Day in the NICU


He now weighs 2 lbs 13 oz and his ventilator is at 46% oxygen and he is taking in 17 cc of breastmilk every 3 hours. The biggest news is that he no longer has the PICC line in his arm nor an IV line into his head. His cord stump fell off a couple of days ago and now has a nice inny smily face belly button. He has officially moved to the next size up on his diapers, Huggies regular premmie size. YAY!

The little turd decided to scare the shit out of me today though. I was talking with his nurse (Cally, my fave) and all of the sudden I see his O2 drop down into the 70s then 60 and below. Then his pulse rate started dropping from to 150s to the 60s. I got up and out of Cally's way so she could check on him and she told another nurse to get respiratory therapy there. Next thing I know there are 2 RT's, 2 nurses and a neonatologist there. They turned off the occilator and bagged him. Meanwhile I am standing back letting the pros do their thing, watching and staying quiet. The charge nurse then had me wait in the pumping room while they were working on him. About 7 minutes later she came in saying I could go back to his bedside. While I was in the room I was paying to not let anything happen to him. He was fine andgetting his color back and within 5 minutes they had the occilator back down to 46% again.

Turns out he was moving so much and had grown so much that the tube to his lungs had shifted and he was getting air to his belly instead. So they pulled the old tube, put a bigger one in and place it deeper to where it needed to be to properly fit a baby of his size. RT is now thinking they may put him on a regular vent today since during the bagging his O2 was staying in the 90s.

Gee, move the boy to regular diapers and he decides that he wants all new big boy toys.

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