Monday, April 28, 2008

Drayke was born

Drake was born into this world on 4-28-08 @ 9:58 Am. He weighed 1 lb 4.7 ozs and was 13 inches long. He was born 12 weeks early because of issues with his cord. Mom was in the hospital for almost 4 weeks resting so that we could make it to at least 30 weeks but the Dr's saw a need to deliver him at 28 weeks. I was called to the hospital and the moment I got their they took mom to get a spinal block. I was then allowed in to be with her. It only took about 30 minutes before Drayke was delivered via c-section. I have never seen a baby so small in my life. When they took him over to the table I got a look and he was so tiny. I heard a small cry from him. I knew right there he was going to be my strong little boy. Drayke was then brought over so that mom could see him. They did not intubate him because he was breathing on his own. Mom told me to go with them to the NICU so that I could be with him. I was torn because I wanted to be in both places but I ended up going with Drayke.

They got Drayke into a isolab bed and started to work on him. After a few moments they told me that I had to go because they needed to put a tube in him. I went out and waited for mom to get back to the room. After a mom rested a bit we went down to see our newborn son. He had so many wires connected to him. We spent some time with him. I still could not believe how small he was. I think i could have put him in my pocket.

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