Saturday, May 31, 2008
33rd Day in the NICU
Monday, May 26, 2008
28th Day in the NICU
Saw Drayke today and he is doing so good. We scrubbed in and as soon as we entered his area I noticed that the nitric oxide was at zero! Started doing the happy dance right then & there. The pressure on the occilator is down and oxygen input is at 85%. His color is great and his O2 levels are staying in the high 90's. They ended up moving his IV from his foot to his head but amazingly I wasnt freaked out when I saw it. He no longer fidgets with the IV and so he actually gets some rest. Took a look at his chart and he was finally weighed and is showing at 2 lbs 6 oz! His feedings resumed on Friday and he is getting increased on the amount every 24 hours
Friday, May 23, 2008
25th Day in the NICU
Drayke's O2 levels ae doing great. So good in fact they have dropped him from 100% oxygen to 80%. The nitrix has been dropped from 20 PPM to 15PPM and they have lowered the pressure on the occilator. All this is good! He was such a wiggle worm today. I tell you the boy does not like sitting still. He has this big paddle on hit foot where he has an IV line and he is like a cat with tape on its foot, just wants to keep flipping it until maybe it will fall off. Silly little man.
The medication that I wasnt sure of the name is Survanta. Sorry about the fuzziness of the picture taken yesterday. It is shot thru the canapy of Drayke's bed and a bit of zoom which always make for terrible pics but it is the first time since he was born that I actually got to see some of his mouth.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
23rd Day in the NICU
This morning Drayke was put back onto the nitric oxide due to his oxygen levels not stabilizing. I spoke to the doctor and she advised me that after this there is only one more option left to try to get his lungs ramped up and that is steroids which comes with its own set of problems.
With as much as I was freaking out over the thought of being pregnant and having a child, the thought of not having him in my life is just not acceptable. I will never give up on him. He is still strong and active. Even the doctor said he is a fighter. He will come home some day and grow up to be the strong beautiful man I know he is.
Monday, May 19, 2008
21st Day in the NICU
Sunday, May 18, 2008
20th Day in the NICU
We are so happy when because we finally got a picture of him with his eyes open. He is doing well and is up to 5cc's of breastmilk every 3 hours and is tolerating it well. The nurse today said "your boy definately likes to eat!" YAY!!!!! We are ecstatic. The more he eats the stronger he gets and the more he grows. The biggest concern there is are still his lungs. He receives a treatment of some kind of med that is a naturally occuring substance in term infants and adults (sounds kinda like savannah).
Monday, May 12, 2008
14th Day in the NICU
Sunday, May 11, 2008
13th Day in the NICU
We went to the hospital on Sunday afternoon and in his bed there was a card addressed to mom. I grabbed it and burst out crying. Turns out R had warned my mother that he & L got a card for me and they knew I was going to cry. The night nurses also made a card that has his foot prints and a hand print. Again, I busted out crying anew. I have to start up a scrap book or something. I am planning on getting the foot print card framed and hang it in his room while we wait for him to come home.
While we were in the elevator we ran into Dr Palmer and he told us how good Drayke's recent xray of his lungs were looking. It is always good to talk to him. He is very straight forward yet kind when he talks to us.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
12th Day in the NICU Part 2
12th Day in the NICU
Drayke has been off the nitric oxide for several days now and yesterday they took him off of the occilator! YAY! No more vibrating baby! The occilator gave him around 400 "breaths" per minute. Very rapid fire to help open up his little lungs to get them to process his oxygen better. So now he is on a regular ventilator and down to 50 "breaths" per minute which is a much more natural rhythm. He no longer looks so worn out and is definately much more relaxed. 3 days ago they started him on breast milk, 1cc every 12 hours. Today we were told he has been moved up to every 6 hours!!!
He is progressing so well. Every day his numbers are looking better.
The not so good: Last week I mentioned how there ws a potential issue and Thursday it was verified that he does indeed have a 1.6 centimeter cyst in his brain. What that means is there is no brain tissue where the cyst is. This is called Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL). This is very common for premature births. It can cause any number of issues as with any other brain injury. The good thing is that since he is so young his neural pathways way very well re-route themselves to ignore the missing mass and he may very well have no ill effects at all. The worst case is cerbral palsy/muscular problems in the extremties/inhibited mental function. At this stage we simply do not know. We are all staying very hopeful given that Drayke is such a strong force, he is stubborn and already has such good body control. The next three years are going to be an adventure to say the least. The state of Tennessee has Early Intervention which automatically puts him in line for physical & mental therapy for the next three years to make sure he is developing the way he needs to. R and I have talked about how we are both going to be working together with our son on this journey. He has already joined a few yahoo groups and we are also going to be getting involved with local parents groups who are also dealing with the same type of issues.
There are days I feel so overwhelmed that all I can do is curl up into a ball and cry for hours. First and foremost though I KNOW I love my son more than I could have imagined possible. I have to be there for him. I have to be there for myself because he needs me so desperately. All I can do now is pump my breasts so he can have the vital nutrition that is in beastmilk. And I have to put more faith in R. I am so used to not having faith in anyone but myself but I need him more than ever now. The birth of Drayke has openned something inside him that has been dormant for a very long time. He has this inner glow about him that has been missing for a long time. He is the most beautiful man in the world to me. The father of my gorgeous son.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
8th Day in the NICU
Little one is doing good. They put him on nitric oxide.
Per Wikipedia:Use in Pediatric Intensive CareNitric Oxide/Oxygen blends are used in critical care to promote capillary and pulmonary dilation to treat Primary Pulmonary Hypertension in neonatal patients[11][12] post meconium aspiration and related to birth defect. These are often a last-resort gas mixture before the use of ECMO.NO therapy has the potential to significantly increase the quality of life and in some cases save the lives of infants at risk for pulmonary vascular disease. [13]
They had him on 20 and now have reduced to 5.1. It is a slow weaning process but he has been reacting so much better to this. He no longer fights the respirator and allows the machines to do the work for him so he can work on growing. We are looking at a few more days then he will be on just the occilator again and eventually back to a regualr respirator. His oxygen has also been lowered to 50 so that means he is actually using the O2 in his body. Blood gases are looking good too.Since being taken off of the phototherapy he is showing his inquisitive side and looks around as best he can to see what's going on around him. His color looks good. Just overall things are looking good. 1 week down, at least 11 weeks to go.