Friday, October 10, 2008

165th Day in the NICU

Little man is doing so good. Dr P told him "you are heading in the right direction Drayke!" He lowered his supportive pressure from 15 down to 12 and his nitric oxide down another 2 to 14. They weaned his morphine down by another .005 yesterday so he is at .02 on his morphine. The pressures in his heart are pretty much equaling out now, rather than concentrated to one side. Things are looking so much better than two weeks ago. If he keeps this up at this rate he should be able to come home soon. He had a echo yesterday and there was no significant changes from his last one so he is still doing good on that. Next week on Monday he is going to get another X-ray to see if he needs more steriods to help with his lungs. They are thinking about switchimg his heart med to Digoxin form Milrinone. With Digoxin he can take it through his feeding tube while Milrinone has to be put through the PICC line.

Here are some pictures. (Mom finally downloaded them to her computer)

He weighed 9 pounds 14 ounces. Turns out it was a huge amount of water weight. He lost more than a pound in one week. (Still waiting for the weight tonight).

This is from today while grandma was visiting. Big boy yawn!

Also they have started to allow him to wear his clothes again so YAY!... Everyday we keep getting more and more good news and everyday I feel so blessed to have such a miracle happen to us.

One friend of ours from Centennial is getting close to being released. Another friend's little one is getting close as well. They have been in longer in the NICU longer than us. I am not going to put names on the journal but please send any prayers and postive energy to all the little ones and their parents in the NICU's because without the support of the other parents that go through this or from all the other people who have given their support I think we would have gone insane (well more insane).


Anonymous said...

Oh wow! The news just keeps getting better and better! Words just cannot express the absolute joy I feel for your family and Drayke. What an amazing, strong little guy he is!

I will continue to send prayers your way - and to the other families you mentioned as well. The day you all have your lil' ones home will be the most wonderful day indeed!

Keep the good news comin'!


Anonymous said...

this is such amazing news!! my heart just swells with happiness that drayke is doing so well!!

my thoughts keep going out to you guys and so many other families going though hard times with their little ones.

i hope the gods continue to bless you all!

-Melissa, Adrian, and Liam (from the LJ july baby community)

Laura (speaking for everyone!) said...

I happened upon you blog while searching on Your baby boy had beenmentioned to me before from people at Centennial, but, I couldn't put a face with the name. As I was looking through your blog, I came upon some pictures of ya'll (the parents) and I remember now! We went home from Centennial in May, my sons name was JD. I hope he is doing better- he will be your little miracle and suprise you with the things he does one day!

Laura Kelly

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Drayke is doing so much better. Continuing to pray for him.

Anonymous said...

Baby Drayke, you look beautiful :)
We are so happy to see you doing so great! Prayers and Positive energy to you all-
The Charest Family.